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Authenticity as a distinguishing featureIf you look closely, 'Authenticity' is what customers, employees and investors

The power of storytelling

Authenticity as a distinguishing feature
'The story' connects customers, employees and investors to your organization and sets it apart from competitors.

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Good stories last and are remembered

We believe that, despite AI's ability to learn, an authentic story always remains recognisable. Good stories last and are remembered. But how do you ensure that your story is alive and told in an authentic way?

Mirato would like to invite you to an inspiring Storytelling session. To do this, we have found 3 speakers willing who all tell authentic stories from their own expertise.Storytelling Seminar in het intieme Werftheater in Utrecht. Een drietal intrigerende sprekers neemt je vanuit hun eigen perspectief mee in de manier waarop zij authentieke verhalen vertellen in hun vakgebied.

Lars Veenstra

sees it as his mission to make an impact through film and photography. He takes us into his world of moving images and shows how he translates storytelling into his work.

Elten Kiene

is a prominent culture entrepreneur. As a spoken word artist, he can be found at North Sea Jazz, among others, where he gives storytelling through live performances its own dimension.

Jael Noordhof

shows how storytelling in her work as creative director is the starting point of a powerful concept and a unique visual language.

What to expect:

  • 3 passionate speakers with an authentic story
  • Storytelling highlights from various disciplines
  • Networking opportunities with industry peers
April 2, 2024
16:00 - 19:30 (including drinks & finger food)
Werftheater Utrecht
Free, based on registration and availability

Don't hesitate and sign up!

We look forward to welcoming you.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact

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